Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Personality Explorations

  In doing this assignment I have noticed that I my major learning style is kinesthetic, I am an easy going person who enjoys working with people and am good at it and that I'm a creative person.
  I am a person who likes doing rather than watching or listening due to the fact that I am a kinesthetic learner. Kinesthetic means hands-on stuff and prefer learning by doing. I tend to pay attention better if there is some sort of movement going on. I noticed that I always have something in my hand when listening to something because it's easier to pay attention.
  I also noticed that I'm a people person so I like working with people. This was proven when I was finished answering the questions to Quiz #5-Interest Inventory as well as Quiz #9-True Colours Personality Assessment when my brightest colour was orange and some of the qualities were flexible and easy going which makes it easy to work with people. I like group work most of the time because sometimes it's easier working with people rather than by myself.
 The assignment showed me that I am a creative person. I do enjoy writing about what I want over doing a topic assigned by the teacher. In Quiz #4-Work Values one of my top two work values was self-expression and after finishing Quiz #6- Myers-Briggs Type Inventory one of the career possibilities was a journalist. I found out I was a Communicator in Quiz 10-Changemaker. I had an idea I was somewhat creative beofre this assignment.
 I found this assignment really interesting because most of the quizzes I took gave results that somewhat matched my personality and such. I found almost all of the quizzes accurate although some quizzes were not. Overall it was an interesting assignment even if the answers sounded nothing like you because you got to find out things about yourself you may not have known before.

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