This morning we had a guest speaker in my Civics and Careers class. Her name is Amy Beamer and she works at the Waterloo Public Library. Most speakers we have in class talk about their jobs but this morning Ms. Beamer talked about interviews instead. I came in late so I didn't hear the whole discussion.
During the discussion she talked about good and bad interviews as well as good and bad employees. Some things that were discussed were how Ms.Beamer has had people who lied on their resumes as well as people who come in for their interview and act like they could care less if they got the job or not. I think pretending not to care is probably the stupidest thing you can do at an interview because you have to show the employer that you want the job and you're excited to have an opportunity to work for them.We also discussed how when you first get hired for about the first three months you're on probation so that means you have to be the very best employee that you can. An example would be being on time to work every day unless you have a valid reason to be late. Ms.Beamer said that while someone was on probation where she works they were late more than once and fell asleep on the job but they have smartened up and they are working like an average employee now.
I think it is good that we had a guest speaker come talk to us about interviews since we are in grade 10 and starting to apply for jobs if we don't have one already. I personally don't have a job yet but I am going to be handing out resumes soon so the discussion was helpful so now I know what I should and shouldn't do and say during an interview.
The link to the Waterloo Public Library site: