Monday, March 25, 2013

Alison Flemming

Recently my class had a guest speaker come to talk us about her job. Her name was Alison Flemmign and her job was social media. So basically her job is to do twitter updates and make facebok pages and update them for companies. Although I do enjoy social networking I don't think I would like a job doing so. I feel like I would get bored of just tweeting and updating facebook all the time. Some aspects of the job sound interesting but I just don't feel like it's something I would enjoy doing even though I go on twitter for at least 5 hours on a daily basis. I thought she was a good guest speaker and answered questions well to help give us a greater knowledge on her job. Something else she did that I liked is she knew exactly what she wanted to talk about and explained what she does extremely well. Overall it was an enjoyable presentation even though it isn't a job that I am particularly interested in.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Scout Finch

"I think there's just one kind of folks. Folks." -Scout

Being the lucky grade 10 student I am I get to read To Kill A Mocking bird for English! I was asked to write about my favourite character basically. I decided to choose Scout (Jean- Louise Finch). Scout is the narrator and one of the main characters. I think she is interesting because she curious about absolutely everything that everyone says and does that she doesn't understand. She interests me mostly because she is brave and intelligent. She proves this throughout the first half of the book an example of her bravery is when her, Dill and Jem go into the Radley's backyard to try and talk to Boo. An example of her intelligence is the first day of school when her teacher asks her to read and write things for her she gets scolded for being more capable of reading and writing than all the other students who have failed the first grade a couple times. The funny thing about school is Scout hates it with a passion and tries to do everything to get out of it.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Late Mark Punishment

At this point 5% is taken off each day late which is fair unless the student has a legitimate excuse for the work not being done. In that case the student should talk to the teacher right away before class but I think that should be the only exception. Although it is the students fault if the work isn't done sometimes the teacher is at fault as well because in some cases the teacher does not give the students enough time to finish the project as they need which is unfair to the student.  I think it is a little unfair to give a zero after it's a week late but that's probably the only way that students will get the message that work needs to be handed in. I don't think students who don't hand in work should be monitored because I feel like they would just skip. Also if they have other things to do during their MSIP they shouldn't be forced to do late work.  There could be a reason why the student isn't getting their work done and if it happens often the teacher should confront them privately to see if there is a reason that is keeping them from doing their work.