Thursday, February 28, 2013

AA Ontario Ringette Provincials

  AA Ontario ringette provincials start next weekend!Provincials are like hockey play offs for ringette.This year they will be held in Waterloo, Ontario. Provincials start on Thursday March 7th, 2013 and end on Sunday March 10, 2013. The winning teams of each age division becomes Team Ontario and moves onto Nationals or Easterns depending on the age level.
   In AA Provincials each team is guaranteed six round robin games (2 each day). How well each team does in the round robin games determines if they will play in the semi finals on Sunday morning. If there are ties there are "mini games" to determine who moves on. A mini game is a 10 minute game between the two teams tied and whoever wins the game moves on. Mini games are NOT sudden death so the whole game is played no matter what. Nobody wants mini games because they are extremely stressful and nerve racking! Most of the time the team who gets the first goal is the team who wins. There are opening ceremonies on Thursday night held in the Gym at Rim Park to introduce all the teams competing.
  The teams who win provincials at their age division get to go to Nationals if they are a U16 team or older and Easterns if they are U14. There are 7 teams from Ontario going at the Junior (U16) level this year but only the number one team is Team Ontario and all the others go as their original team. Nationals are being held in New Brunswick this year. Easterns are being held in Nova Scotia. Every team at provincials main goal is to get to Nationals or Easterns because it extends the year for the team and it's a great team experience and a once in a life time chance.

Here's a link to the schedules for AA Ontario Ringette Provincials 2013:
Here is another link to the Elora Fergus Edge U16AA Team's page (my team) :


Monday, February 25, 2013

Should students who cyber buller be suspended form school?

  Ever since social networking sites have become popular in today's society, there have been many more cases of cyber bullying. I believe that students who cyber bully their peers should be suspened from school. I think this because school should be considered a safe learning environment. It is stressful for the victims to be around the bully, their grades might suffer and they might be afraid it will lead to physical bullying.
  I stronly believe students who cyber bully other students should be suspened. Students should feel comfortable at school and being cyber bullied is stressful first of all because the victim doesn't want people to know the things being sent online due to the fact they could be embarrassing rumors or pictures. As well as being concerned about being embarrassed online they could be nervous to actually see the bully at school. Facing your online bully is nerve racking and the victim doesn't want to have to do that especially alone. In addition to being embarrassed and nervous the poor student should not have to deal with being afraid of going to school. Cyber bullying has actually caused people to skip class or school because they don't feel comfortable being near the person bullying them. Students should feel safe at school not afriad.
  Students who are bullied in any way are likely to get lower grades than before the bullying started. To begin cyber bullying happens over text message as well as online. If the victim gets rude text messages constantly during class it is very distracting. Also, again the bully could intimedate the victim enough that they don't show up to school at all.Finally everything being said online is going to be on the student's mind rather than the math lesson being taught. I believe that the students are being cyber bullied pay attention less because the problem is on their mind and not school work.
  Being cyber bullied is bad enough but it can lead to physical bullying. Personally I would want the bully suspened before that happened and I know every single person being cyber bullied would as well. The victim is definitely getting threatened in some way which would lead to the fear of physical abuse.The student being threatened as well as just being given looks from the bully is frightening and could lead to physical bullying if the victim looks at them wrong. Finally they could just be scared of the bully without being threatened or anything just because they might be bigger than them. The student causing the problem should be suspened before it gets to this point.
  I stronly believe every student that bullies another student in any way should be suspened because it is extremely stressful to be comfortable and feel safe at school with the person they are scared of the most. Also it is hard to concentrate on school when other things are on their mind. As well as it being stressful and unfocussed it is frightening.

Here's a link to a movie about cyberbullying! It's a great movie and shows what can happen online:

and another link to a video about cyberbullying:

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Ted Talk : Logan LaPlante

   Logan LaPlante's video really made me look at education in a completely different way. I think students should be allowed to be as creative as they want. In saying this I believe that we should have a say in what we have to write essays and paragraphs about because I think that if students have the choice to write about what ever they want it would be better quality work. I also think that students would learn better if the lessons were more interactive and interesting. For example the teacher could use a video to teach part of the lesson.
  In a way schools try to make us be creative by offering arts programs as well as extra curricular activities. The only reason we have these things is to make the students happier which is good to know that the teachers and the school board actually do care somewhat about our happiness. The main goal of school is to teach us what we need to know to get a higher education and eventually a job, as well as teaching us social skills that we will need later on in life.
   I enjoy being in the Future Forums course this year because it's different from every other class I have. I think it's a unique yet effective way of teaching and I like how we watch videos and get to work on social networking sites as well as having frequent class discussions. I find I can pay attention easier and find myself interested in the topics we have discussed so far in class. It's just different and I like different because different is more interesting.

Here is the link for the video discussed above:

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

TED Talk

      I thought the TED talk we watched was really interesting. I think it is really cool how "WATSON" won against its two opponents on jepordy. I also thought it was really neat how the best protein folder in the world was a woman from Manchester.
      Personally I didn't really say anything on Today's Meet but I was checking out what other people said. I found it kind of hard to follow and some people were talking about irrelevant things.  I think it would have been better if  did comment my opinion and if it was easier to follow. I think I'll try using my twitter next time because I think it would be easier.
      I really liked the idea of discussing the video with other people my age.  Today's Meet isn't my favourite thing to use because it just gets spammed and then it gets confusing.

Here's the link for anyone who would like to watch and feel free to comment!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

About me! :)

Hey this is my first post so I just wanted to say a few things about myself. I love sports! I play ringette and this is my 11th year playing I believe. I also play field lacrosse and this summer will be my 3rd year playing. As well as ringette and lacrosse I also enjoy track. I was on the school track team in grade 9 and will hopefully be on it again this year if we have a team . I love music! I play guitar and sing, I have written a couple of my own songs. I love 70s rock music it is probably one of my favourite genres.  I have no idea what I want to do after school. Psychology interests me the most. I have a younger sister who I am very close with who is 13.  I love reading fictional novels. Some favourites are The Hunger Games Trilogy, My Darkest Power Trilogy, Twilight and Gone.